Friday, October 5, 2007

Poor old ratty

Most days the old cat bernard leaves an offering in the alley, this morning there was a rat. Previously i've found voles, mice, birds and even a young rabbit! Why? Its not that nice specially when the head is hanging off the creatures body! Why can't he leave a bag of cash, a bunch of freshly picked flowers or a nice bottle of red? Or if thats not possible just leave out the blood splattered corpse!


Anonymous said...

Its a mark of respect to be left a corpse by a cat.

PoorOldMooks said...

Maybe I should take up the dying art of taxidermy I could have a small museum of super furry animals!

Anonymous said...

Round the corner from my Aunts in Islington. By coincidence it was also featured in this book the missus bought me last christmas:

-thats love for you :o